Growing Your Value

The Value Of Advisors

The Statement

Your character competency and concern must become definable detectable and desirable to survive in a robo world.

What does this mean?

  1. If you let someone else define your value they will dictate the worth of that value.
  2. Your value must be always on… detectable from any device 24/7.
  3. You must elicit a feeling from your audience to qualify them as a trusted partner. You  have to know how your value makes your clients feel and you have to make prospects feel uncomfortable to get them to think about becoming a client. 



Your Value Must Be Tangible

  • If you are to survive in a robo world, you must make the intangibles of your advisor value tangible.
  • Not taking complete control over how your value is perceived is tantamount to throwing in the towel. 
  • Your tangible advisor alpha can only be truly realized through introspection and continual honest feedback. 

The Best Way 

The only way to make sure your advisor value becomes tangible in the digital age of financial services is to become self-aware within the spectrum of disciplines made available right here at

Always Confidential.

Always On.

Always Free. 


Introspection Is The Key

It's All In Your Head

Introspection The Key To Your Survival

This is why introspection and value development are the keys to your survival in a robo-world.

It’s not leads… it’s not marketing metrics…  it’s not a sales funnel… it’s not copying what other successful advisers have done…

The key to your survival already exists… the big question is…

Do you have the ability to discover and define it?

In a robo-world where change is exponential you do not have the luxury of time to eventually discover your authentic relevant value, you must discover your value immediately and proactively define and design that value for digital consumption so it can be made available 24 hours a day.

One luxury you do have made available to you, is the opportunity for introspection 24/7 offered exclusively here…
it’s the express lane for advisor survival in the digital age of financial services.

Take a look at the infinite progression of advisor introspection made available exclusively for you.

You must be proactive in the development of your own relevance to survive in a robo-world.

Nobody else is going to do it for you.

It’s nobody’s business but yours.

Be proactive and take advantage of the opportunity in front of you right now.

You Have The Answers

We Have The Right Questions

Your Digital Footprint

It's Yours...

You are Solely Responsible for Your Own Digital Footprint.

In The Video below Mark Cuban and Adam Grant discuss “Pitches” but more importantly the message within Cuban’s pitch is one that should resonate with the Advisor in the Future…

That message is this; Once you type an email and hit send you no longer own that email (or text or Tweet or comment) but you are solely responsible for that email for the rest of your life.

Your digital portfolio or footprint is the most valuable and most dangerous opportunity you will undertake moving forward in this industry (in regard to your brand, reputation and integrity)…

In a robo-world, you can’t afford not owning the perception of your value.


If you don’t own the words, you can’t own your Alpha.

If you don’t own your Alpha you can’t make it Tangible.

If your Alpha isn’t Tangible by design, you will struggle to survive.

There is unlimited upside to publishing your purpose when your Alpha is Tangible.


It's Yours... Forever

Take Control

Rethinking Value Design

Rethinking Value Design





Advisors who are able to amplify their character competency and genuine concern, tangibly, will see exponential results in multiple dimensions of their businesses.
The steps of our value design process are broken down to 12 critical components and systematized in a progression called Infinite Advisor Alpha.
These critical components have been made available for any advisor on our digital platform in our micro-learning modules.
In less than two minutes per module… advisors can engage meaningfully within the infinite alpha progression to systematically amplify their own unique advisor value (Character, Competency, & Concern).
The model is a symbol as well as a guide for the advisor on his or her never ending journey to where they want to be.
To remain relevant, advisors understand that they can never become complacent and that they must be vigilant in developing their relevance.
Modern Advisors realize that there is no end to that goal… and the infinite alpha progression is a representation of exactly what that means to financial advisors.
The journey is the destination and it is exactly where advisors want to be… The state of perpetual relevance.