It's Yours...
You are Solely Responsible for Your Own Digital Footprint.
In The Video below Mark Cuban and Adam Grant discuss “Pitches” but more importantly the message within Cuban’s pitch is one that should resonate with the Advisor in the Future…
That message is this; Once you type an email and hit send you no longer own that email (or text or Tweet or comment) but you are solely responsible for that email for the rest of your life.
Your digital portfolio or footprint is the most valuable and most dangerous opportunity you will undertake moving forward in this industry (in regard to your brand, reputation and integrity)…
In a robo-world, you can’t afford not owning the perception of your value.
If you don’t own the words, you can’t own your Alpha.
If you don’t own your Alpha you can’t make it Tangible.
If your Alpha isn’t Tangible by design, you will struggle to survive.
There is unlimited upside to publishing your purpose when your Alpha is Tangible.