Digital Media Marketing
Your Platform... Your Alpha
The HNW Disconnect
The average advisor is not able to interact with the conference big wigs that we see plastered all over social media. When we see posts from Carl Richards or Michael Kitces we know that the high end of wisdom is in the room. Yet, most financial professionals don’t have the time or the resources to rub elbows with these high end gurus.
What can connect you with the great minds of financial services is social and digital media. Yet, the promise of good fortune seems to be more distant when we realize that the lives they live are well beyond our grasp.
So what can you do as an average advisor to take advantage of the high end wisdom they espouse?
Your model of value must be specific to your circumstances… you can’t achieve the greatness of the HNW advisors by simply copy and pasting what has been done by others… no matter how successful they might have been.
Your model of success is dependent on the introspection that the “successful” HNW advisors have already gone through.
It’s great to read and hear about the success of other advisors who are immersed in HNW business models, but your reality lies within your ability to emulate how they got there and not just a cookie cutter model of what they have done.
Your success, like the success of HNW advisors, is dependent on introspection of your very unique circumstances.
Your future is dependent on your ability to be honest with yourself about your value…
Discover your value… Define it… Design your value for digital consumption.
Make your value tangible so you can survive and thrive in a robo world.
Meaningful Engagement
The content that you publish must be relevant to your ideal audience…
That’s it.
You don’t have time to generate siloed content to put behind gated walls to gather emails (spam emails) of potential clients to put in a sales funnel to harass with an email campaign that creates a cost center for your business.
Those days are over.
Your content must create meaningful engagement for clients and prospects in one fell swoop.
Your published engagement must cause action… the action for your clients is to stay and continue to pay you. The action for prospects is to leave their current situation for your unique services (if they qualify).
Your position as a trusted wealth steward allows you to publish your beliefs and opinions without hesitation. Your client-centered purpose guides you in the direction of what topics to publish. Your behavior must be promised to elicit reciprocal actions (you promise yours, they promise theirs).
The topics you publish have been designed to lead the engagement to your unique value, but moreover, the unique value you control the most (no compliance required).
The way you see marketing must be different than what we have been taught.
Your marketing campaigns must generate revenue… not leads.
There is no time for legacy tactics in a robo-world.
The progression to generate meaningful engagement can only be found here.
Stay Relevant
You can’t afford to simply be top of mind you must become an icon on your clients’ smartphones. #Advisors #TangibleAlpha #WealthStewardship
— Grant Barger (@TangibleAlpha) February 20, 2017
Discover define design deliver remind and refine… not just good ideas but a taxonomy for advisor value development that takes your business to another dimension.
It’s not a checklist… it’s a progression.
The next dimension of your business requires your complete attention… we afford you the opportunity to give your business the attention it requires to survive in a robo-world.
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Be There 24/7The Twittersphere
Twitter for Advisors
Your ideal audience is looking for solutions to their problems 24/7.
It is absolutely critical that they are able to find you and your brand across a multitude of mediums in the digital world. They must be able to access your tangible value 24/7 from their device of choice. Most likely, this will be the smartphone.
Twitter is ideal for staying relevant if you use it with wisdom…
Your purpose, values, principles, beliefs, opinions, experiences, expertise, promises, rules, philosophy, and distinctive questions must all be accessible to your ideal clients and prospects.