More Content That Matters

The content that you publish must be relevant to your ideal audience…

That’s it.

You don’t have time to generate siloed content to put behind gated walls to gather emails (spam emails) of potential clients to put in a sales funnel to harass with an email campaign that creates a cost center for your business.
Those days are over.

Your content must create meaningful engagement for clients and prospects in one fell swoop.

Your published engagement must cause action… the action for your clients is to stay and continue to pay you. The action for prospects is to leave their current situation for your unique services (if they qualify).

Your position as a trusted wealth steward allows you to publish your beliefs and opinions without hesitation. Your client-centered purpose guides you in the direction of what topics to publish. Your behavior must be promised to elicit reciprocal actions (you promise yours, they promise theirs).

The topics you publish have been designed to lead the engagement to your unique value, but moreover, the unique value you control the most (no compliance required).

The way you see marketing must be different than what we have been taught.

Your marketing campaigns must generate revenue… not leads.

There is no time for legacy tactics in a robo-world.

The progression to generate meaningful engagement can only be found here.