The Milestones of Advisor Relevance

Advisor Relevance

Twelve Milestones of Advisor Relevance

In the digital age of financial services.

Defined Client-Centered Purpose

Shared purpose is the cornerstone in the foundation of trust.

Principles and Values

Giving merit to the claims of your endeavor of stewardship. 

Beliefs and Opinions

The fundamental truths and genuine concerns you have about your calling.


Your experiences in life have lead you to this momentous occasion of trusted stewardship. 


Your beliefs and opinions are why you get paid… what does this mean to your clients? 

Promised Behavior

The foundation of trust must be paved with your behavioral promises. 

Rules of Engagement

You must not become all things to all people… using the word no is one of the keys to your relevance. 

Philosophy and Process

Those who qualify for your services will experience a well defined journey of wisdom. 


Your value must become available through multiple digital mediums… even when you are not. 

Topics of Engagement

Your published touch points must always lead to your unique solutions. 

Questions that Matter

You must become known for the quality of your curiosity.


You must know precisely how your unique value makes your ideal audience feel. 

Build On Purpose (2/3)

Building On Purpose

Part Two of Three

Trying to Break Down the Fundamentals of Value Design Can Be an Overly Complicated Endeavor…

In this three part blog post I am attempting to simplify what I have known to be fundamentally true about advisor value design for the past three decades… It can be tricky sometimes to simplify the complex.

This is part two of three. We pick up where we left off in part one…


After you are able to define your client-centered purpose and publish your values and principles, as well as document your beliefs and opinions about your unique value… (seems complicated but we make it easy). You are ready to share your experiences your expertise and promise your behavior.

These are the activities required to connect the dots between the collaborative behavior required by your trusted clients and the behavior you can promise as a trusted advisor. Remember, this is about three main things.. Earning trust, controlling the perception of your value, and setting collaborative rules to remain relevant.

The progression of your value development must be acknowledged as part and parcel with your value design… in other words, how you design your value becomes a part of your value design.

The simplification of the Infinite Alpha Progression allows you to make incremental additions to your overall success by continuing your exponential engagement with clients and prospects.

Each one of the elements shown on the slides included is a fundamental discipline that requires your attention daily to meet the demands of exuding your value exponentially every day. When combined in a variety of ways, the disciplines of your value are the building blocks of your relevance. They work together in conjunction to empower you. The progression gives you the luxury of saved time while you attend to the daily actions required by you to survive, while giving you the opportunity 24/7 to build your business on purpose.

Advisor Benchmarks

The New Digital Footprint

Originally Published 12.27.2016

Building a digital footprint is critical in the era of collaboration.

Everything that you publish, whether it be in the form of comments as in this article, or in the form of blog posts as seen here on this blog post… or a combination of the two, curated to bring meaning to my beliefs and opinions in a tangible fashion. This blog post is a working example of HOW to leverage your digital footprint by exuding your authentic value 24/7. Your ideal audience will find you so you had better be publishing with a purpose.


The Future for Advisors is about proving value. 24/7.

When Advisors allow any other entity besides themselves to define their authentic value they diminish the chances of survival and hinder their plans to thrive in the digital age. You mustn’t allow your plans to thrive in the digital age be undermined by anyone… much less yourself. Avoid self-sabotage by reading on…screenshot-2016-10-04-at-11-11-48-pm

The advisor in the future must look beyond industry standards and minimum antiquated regulation to demonstrate in a tangible fashion why anyone should do business with them Pertaining specifically to this article, (Original Article from the advisor who relies on the industry to demonstrate his or her value through a benchmark is more likely to be replaced by the industry.  Advisor autonomy goes beyond the realm of value props.. In order to thrive in the digital age of transparency advisors must own a “client-centered purpose.” Technology and transparency will weed out the ne’er do wells. It’s already happening without (and in spite of) regulation. Clients are becoming more empowered through transparency and technology , which is a beautiful thing. Advisors must also leverage the same transparency and technology to empower themselves.

You can’t police advisors into stewardship roles.

Any form of industry standard benchmark weakens the advisor… it does nothing to empower the perception of value, which is under the complete control of the advisor… more specifically, the advisor who owns a client-centered purpose. – Most advisors are good.-(Especially those advisors who subscribe to RIA Biz.) More industry drafted oversight is only adding to the digital noise. Advisors must become empowered through autonomy to thrive in the new collaborative world of 24/7 advice. My opinions about the facts in this article are backed by my conviction about HOW advisors can and should become empowered. Advisors must be afforded the opportunity to exude their authentic value through – ownership – of the perception of their value.  Acquiescing to antiquated industry standards that limit the ability of the advisor to own the perception of his or her value, in my opinion, is a catastrophic mistake that can and should be avoided. Now, more than ever, investors are searching for a trusted source of wisdom. Advisors who are empowered through autonomy will be more likely to exude that wisdom than those advisors who agree to become suppressed by industry created benchmarks. ((BTW, this is a great article that shines a much needed light on the difference b/t portfolio alpha and advisor alpha. Keep ‘em coming.)) This article is an important component in moving the conversations away from the “what” that most RIABiz readers are already well aware of.

The comments after the article (found in the link above) are nearly 2 years old… and there they sit… Conveying my unique beliefs and opinions about this business.

If advisors rely on the industry to define their value will they be replaced?  

Who do you trust?

Who should your clients trust?

Better conversations start with questions that lead to better definitions which lead to better solutions that can truly make a difference in the lives of trusted clients…  


By posing these questions I am reminding my current ideal clients of my authentic value while exuding my alpha to a new audience who is looking for a trusted source of wisdom to help them see hear and feel about their business in a different dimension. The perception of my value is entirely up to me. There has never been a greater opportunity for advisors to take advantage of technology. By ignoring this statement you risk extinction… discover as much as you can as soon as you can.


Always available when the time is right for you.