Getting Better

You're Good

I really enjoy helping advisors get better.

If there is one take away from the content that I publish I want it to be this… there is always information available for you as the user to better yourself and your business. Whether it is directly or indirectly through links and buttons… I want you to improve as an advisor every day. 

Take a minute or two…

Take small steps to gather the momentum you need to get going in the right direction. If you have always been in sales and you want to succeed in the new business fueled by collaboration, you can do it. If you are out sized in your own town and you need to grow or die, you can do it. If you want to create a trusting partnership to handle more clients, you can do it. 

Our platform is designed to help you when the time is right for you… discover more about your own value and how to customize it for your ideal audience… right here. 

Advisor Action

Micro Value Development

Micro Moments Help Advisors Stay Relevant

The order in which your activities take place on a daily basis are NON-SEQUENTIAL. This means that you are putting out fires daily and discovering more about your value every minute. You are communicating actively with a multitude of entities while demonstrating your wisdom to your audience ALWAYS. 

This does not mean that your behavior is “random” …your actions, as random as they may seem at times are all critical to the maximization of your value. 

You need to recognize the system that inherently exists within the pattern of your daily actions to assure order and survivability in this crazy robo-world. 

Infinite Advisor Alpha is the model we use to demonstrate this progression of order in a world of non-sequential activities. The incremental steps you take to demonstrate value tangibly are organized in a fashion to maximize your relevance.

The progression we have designed allows you to amplify your value while taking control over how it is perceived.

Learn more about taking control over the perception of your value in a system that has been designed to empower you to amplify your unique value 24/7 while giving you the control you need to remain relevant.


Micro-moments that are published right here at Tangible Alpha have been designed to enable you to do exactly that… make sense of the non-sequential activities in your daily regimen. 


Build On Purpose

Discover More

Enlightened Content

Value Design for Advisors

The Path to Enlightened Content is Infinite


Your content must engage entertain and educate your audience.

So how are you going to do that while you are doing your other job as trusted wealth steward?

The content you publish is indelibly tied to your stewardship business model… you might not see it yet, but the path you choose today will either help you survive in a robo world or it will create your imminent failure. 
Either way, your business decisions are your own. 

How can you design an infinite measure of great content that is consistent with your focus?

Follow the path of design thinking… the path of Infinite Advisor Alpha… 
Your value is there and you should be too. It really is where you want to be. 
We make it simple for advisors like you to discover micro bits and pieces of value design twenty-four hours a day.
When the time is right for you, jump into a micro-module that helps to empower your existence in the new ecosystem of financial advice.