Part 1 of 3 Expanding The Gap
Part One of Three
To remain relevant, advisors in the robo era must be able to distinguish themselves from perceived competition.
A few decades ago we came up with a concept that helped us coach advisors about their value in a way that they could grasp easily. We call it The Value Gap and it creates a visual picture of what the advisor must do to exude his or her value tangibly in order to demonstrate authentic relevance.
The Value Gap
Part 1
Character Competency and Concern
Advisor character can be attributed to several aspects of his or her life. Some say it is how you act when nobody is looking. Others might say that your character is your identity.
In order for you to build your business on purpose, you must see your character from the perspective of others. In order to gather that confidential insight you must have a system in place to collaborate openly and honestly. We call this system Infinite Alpha and the cornerstone of the whole deal is your client-centered purpose.
What does this have to do with your value?
Similar to The Value Gap model seen in the slides on this post, the model of your character can be seen in another slide that shows you and your clients exactly how you intend to demonstrate your character tangibly.
Your Character plays a quintessential role in your profession as a trusted steward of wealth. The elements that make up your unique character are so powerful and meaningful that they require your attention daily. This is why the elements of your character require definition by you… through introspection found here… at Tangible Alpha.
You must define it in order to design it.
The model that we have created just for you… Infinite Advisor Alpha… empowers you to define you Character for digital design so it can be delivered by you and consumed 24/7 by your ideal audience.
That is really important…