Advisor Survival

I don’t want to be left behind. I must expand the boundaries of my declared expertise or risk becoming irrelevant.

How am I going to do that?

The fact is, my clients come to me for more than my expertise

It begins with my shared purpose. That’s why I do so well… my common driving force empowers me to do well personally while I am doing the right thing for my clients. How can I expand my limits of expertise by shifting my purpose without losing the flock?

Still, there are more components of my value than my expertise and purpose that must shift slightly for me to remain relevant over time.

More than simply my expertise grounded by purpose, my value is authenticated by my beliefs and opinions. The reason people pay me is rooted deeply in my beliefs and opinions which are developed through my experiences in business as well as life in general.

There are other characteristics of my value that my ideal clients are seeking…

The values that I hold close to my heart… the principles that construct my moral fiber are a huge component of my business. People trust me because they share the moral standards that I have developed through my life experiences and my business experiences. When they see me, they see themselves… or at least the closest version of themselves available, qualified and dedicated to one thing and one thing alone…the stewardship of their wealth.

So I want to remain relevant in an industry that is moving at light speed (exponentially faster every day). How do I make the shift?

If I exit the boundaries of my proclaimed shared purpose too abruptly I risk the mutiny of my clients. My shift in purpose must be quantified by me through honest and poignant client feedback… and it must be done at the new speed of business.  

How do I gather the metrics that matter to me so I can remain relevant?

What questions do I need to be asking my clients?

What are the topics of conversations I should be having with potential and current clients?

What content should I be publishing to keep my clients at ease?

How can I shift my expertise, subtly, to remain relevant without scaring away my client base?  

Man… I’m asking a lot of great questions today.
