Your Genuine Concern can be made tangible by defining your beliefs and opinions about this industry and your purpose.
You get paid for having them… check that. You get paid for sharing them. Your opinions are what your audience pays you for. Your wisdom, knowledge, experience, process… your advisor alpha. You get paid because you have genuine concerns (opinions) about the well being of your clients. You must be able to share your genuine concerns with your audience 24/7. You can’t do that unless you have defined your opinions. You must define and publish your opinions in order to remain relevant.
The Value Gap
Part 3
Character Competency and Concern
Publishing Your Beliefs and Opinions
Your beliefs and opinions must be published in the form of genuine concerns and fundamental truths. Your ideal audience must be able to have tangible access to your value 24/7… even when you are not available. Especially when you are not available. Your genuine concerns about your clients well-being is a major part of the differentiation you need to set yourself apart from your perceived peers. Your genuine concerns must become accessible 24/7 to gather valuable feedback from the right audience. You must publish your genuine concerns to filter out the bad clients and bring in the good ones. Your beliefs and opinions must be defined by you and updated by you if you are to remain relevant.
In order to define your beliefs and opinions you must first discover them.