Enlightened Content
The Path to Enlightened Content is Infinite
Your content must engage entertain and educate your audience.
So how are you going to do that while you are doing your other job as trusted wealth steward?
How can you design an infinite measure of great content that is consistent with your focus?
Run it Backward to See the Future
A look backward through the infinite alpha progression so you can see why it’s so critical, and how it will help you move forward in perpetuity.
Looking at your business from the same perspective can be messed up sometimes… I mean, what other perspective can you possibly have?
Taking the word of a third party to help you rethink your value is a scary proposition. No one really knows what the hell is going on with Google and your marketing analytics are changing all the time. Why should you waste another minute working on your business when you need to be working in your business? If you aren’t growing, you are dying and you have to gather net new everything everyday before the sun goes down. The real things that have to actually happen are far different than the scenarios broadcast by marketing experts and self-proclaimed gurus. To get you through the day I have designed a simple progression that helps advisors create focus, amplify their discipline and helps them design their own system for success.
I am not a guru. I did design this progression to help advisors remain relevant in a robo-world.
The Disciplines From Back To Front
You need open honest feedback from trusted partner clients to survive in a robo-world.
To gather feedback that matters you must be armed with better questions.
To design the best questions you must have targeted topics that lead to your unique value.
Your value must become available 24/7 to convey your unique topical solutions.
Before you become omnipresent your philosophy and processes must have clear definitions.
There are rules that must be designed by you that qualify who gets to experience your value.
You must promise your behavior to expect reciprocal actions by your clients.
Your expertise must be defined by you and you alone and it is indelibly tied to your promised behavior.
The experiences you have gone through must become documented to create valuable touchpoints that tie to your accountability.
Your beliefs and opinions must be documented as the genuine concern and fundamental truths that guide your process.
Your principles and values must become more than an afterthought to earn the trust requisite for valuing your opinions and beliefs.
Your client-centered purpose is the cornerstone of the foundation that allows you the opportunity to make all of the aforementioned possible.
The best way for advisors to create a niche
Why form a niche?
Why must you discover your niche? Not because it works… not because others have had success… because you can’t compete in the financial services industry on price. If you try, you will be replaced either by the industry, your firm or your clients. When the measure of your value is price alone, you become replaceable. You must become responsible for the ownership of the perception of your value. In doing so, you must find ideal like-minded clients to serve… because you can’t be all things to all people. Attempting to be a jack of all trades is the quickest way to be forced to exit this industry. Trust me when I say this, You don’t want to miss out on the next 10 years.
Clients that come to you for discounts will leave for discounts.
So you need a niche to remain relevant and become irreplaceable. Not because it may have worked for someone else.
1. You can’t compete on price.
2. You can’t be all things to all people.
3. Price becomes an issue in the absence of value.
4. Prescription without thorough diagnosis is malpractice.
5. Quality over quantity.
You must increase the quality of your clientele but you can’t afford to have your reputation tarnished by making promises you can’t keep. Your authentic value must be made available 24/7 for the world to see and here. This is not the corporate slogan or the company catchphrase… this begins with your client-centered purpose. You must own the words that define your authenticity and it all begins with your shared purpose. Ideal relationships are formed with a shared purpose… this is where you begin to carve out your niche.
To survive in the digital age advisors I must not compete on price… to thrive I must be able to increase the quality of my relationships by design. My process must become simplified yet productive.
Your Process Must Empower You…
- Connecting the dots of the critical components (simplification).
- Building the foundation of your advisor alpha to create tangible value (exude value 24/7).
- Expand tangible value to remain relevant and become irreplaceable (completing the process but never finishing).
- Productive repetition by design (small steps).
You must get ideal clients…
you must remain relevant…
and you must become irreplaceable to keep ideal clients…
while you simultaneously expand the breadth and depth of your services 24/7.
Your niche can be formed by your purpose… in fact, it’s the only way to truly connect to your ideal audience in the new digital era of financial services.
Quality relationships begin with shared purpose.
I will pay you to solve my problems if you can prove to me that our end-game is mutual success.
~ Ideal Client